Lychee Games Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out how we collect, use and share your personal information when you use our service. We do not use the data collected for purposes other than those specified here.

Third Party Advertising

If you click on any advertisements through our game, the advertisers may use cookies and other web-tracking technologies to collect data, to provide targeted advertisements to you. Some of this may be personal information, and some of it non-personal information. We recommend that you review the terms of use and privacy policy for any advertiser with whom you are interacting before doing so.

The list of our ad networks privacy policies may be found here:

Google AdMob :

Unity Ads :

Information we share

We do not share or disclose your private personal information unless necessary to comply with a law, regulation or legal request.

Privacy Policy Contact Information

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy,

please contact us at :